Jeremiah 29:11 Giveaway

As partners of the Jeremiah 29:11 Project, FBC will be hosting a give-away of items from big box stores, such as Walmart, Amazon, CVS, etc. LOTS OF VOLUNTEERS will be needed for this event, for information on how you can help with this event contact Jerry and Darlene Young at


Golden Age

Adults 50 and over, are invited to join us for musical entertainment,   a devotion, and a meal. The main entrée is provided, side dishes and desserts are carried in and shared potluck style.


Partnership Class

Partnership at FBC isn’t just about joining an organization, but committing to partner together with this faith family for the sake of the gospel in an effort to build the kingdom in Warrensburg and beyond. If you are interested in what it would look like to become partners in the gospel together as partners of FBC Warrensburg, we would love to invite you to our partnership class. If you’re unsure about joining FBC, but would like to see more about who we are, what we believe, and what partnership looks like, this class is for you as well.


Volunteer Teams at FBC

Many of you have asked how you can help in addition to, and beyond Sunday, so we've identified areas where help is needed and are launching serve teams for those areas.


Click here to see the list of teams.

